Theatre Maker Showcase

New Work From Our Courses

7 Apr

This event is part of: 

Produced and presented by The Cockpit

Our Theatre Maker Showcase is a chance to share pieces developed in our classes and courses. Expect solo shows from our Actor-Creator course, movement pieces from our Physical Theatre Techniques & Butoh courses, and linguistic experiments from our Making Multilingual Theatre course, plus shows taking their next steps after our New Stuff reading series and Theatre in the Pound scratch night.

Hosted by Theatre Maker programme director Amy Clare Tasker, the showcase will offer a closer look at opportunities at The Cockpit, introduce you to your peers in the Theatre Maker community, and inspire you to imagine yourself on our stage.

Monday, 7 April at 7:00 pm
Tickets £5


Pictured: Writer-Performer Amy Clare Tasker in HOT (Helen of Troy), a Theatre Maker show at The Cockpit