RE:ENCHANT - Poetic Experiments For A New World
Live literature every third Sunday at 5.00pm.
A poetry and spoken word session: we welcome extablished writers as well as new work and new performers to challenge us and shake us all out of our complacency.
Re-Enchant is run by poets - but it’s not for poets. We don’t want to talk to ourselves. Poetry, if it’s to survive and develop as an art form, has to be about communication. If we are only talking to ourselves, then we’ve failed. Poetry began as an oral form – the Vedas, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Odyssey. We don’t claim the same brilliance but we do want to document our history and challenge the narratives of our times.
We have entered an era when progressive values we fought for are being bulldozed into reverse. In days like these, creative work can seem futile and irrelevant. Re-Enchant is a commitment to the idea that words can change things. Poetry is a place where we have the chance to play with concepts, explore new forms of thinking and discuss other ways of living. Poetry is a commitment to experimentation. We want to hear from new voices - we want to hear from the voices that are always shut out from the arts. We want to dethrone the laureates. Come and join us. As The Jam once sang “If we communicate for two minutes only/It will be a start.”
The world changes: we make new poetry to vandalise literary forms or retrieve those we need to renew. We make new poetry to hybridise new species of understanding and reframe consciousness.
We make new poetry to have a good time.
Readings, recitations, incantations and events from established and upstart poets, word artists, ranters, spell-casters, rappers......and you if you want.
To apply for the open mic slot click here.
Curated and introduced by Nick Moss in collaboration with The Cockpit
Sundays in 2025:
19 January, 5:00pm
16 February, 5:00pm
16 March, 5:00pm
20 April, 5:00pm
18 May, 5:00pm
15 June, 5:00pm